
Book a vehicule

Your security comes first

The safety of your children is our priority.

  • Baby seat 40€ per RA: Europcar Martinique can provide a baby seat for babys up to 9 kg. They must be installed back facing the road. Those seats are made to protect the neck, back and spine of the baby in case of accident. The baby must be installed with his back facing the road.

  • Child seat 40 € per RA: Europcar Martinique can provide a child seat for children between 9 and 18 kg.

  • Child booster 30€ per RA: Europcar Martinique can provide a child booster to be installed on the back seat. May we remind to parents that children must be securely fastened with the safety belt when the became too old to fit with a child booster.The child booster must be used in vehicles equiped with a 3 points safety belt and never with a 2 points safety belt. Children weighting between 15 and 36 kg (from 4 to 11) shoul use a child booster. We can also propose you child booster without head rest. 

Safety procedure :

The installation of a child seat requires a particular care because all vehicles seats are not equally designed.

Please read atentively the installation instructions of your child seat to ensure that it is correctly settled. Use the vehicle's safety belt to fasten the child seat. Child seats are designed to fit with the safety belts, please ensure that it is properly installed by refering the instructions.

Please ensure that the safety harness of the child seat make your child comfortable and safe. Straps must be flat on the child and not be bent. Ih the child seat is correctly installed, there must no be more than 25mm to the points the seat is fixed to.

Do not ever use more than one seat belt to secure your child seat. French rules say that less than 10 years old children must be fastend with a dedicated seat if they cannot be secured with a safety belt. It is necessary to use an appropriate seat fitting with the age, size and weight of the children. Your Europcar Martinique agency will be able to advise you upon the choice of the correct seat.

Reserve it at the time you make your reservation at 05 96 42 42 42 or on our website :  

Terms & Conditions On our website, you can choose your option depending on the age and weight of your child. We advise you to make the reservation in adva,ce so you are guaranteed to have a seat when you arrive. If you need a seat during your rental please contact your agency you picked up the car in or call 05 96 42 42 42) to have a seat regarding availabilities. If when you return the car, the loss or damage on the seat is proved, you will be liable to additional fees. 


Please check our general terms & conditions for more information..

All our options: Fuel purchase Martinique Card Formulas and Packages Vehicle Cleaning Payment in Several Times

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